Associate Editors

Research Interest

Research on water pollution control micropollutant removal, including micropollutant concentration detection, advanced oxidation, water deliver safety, micropollutant treatment process, health risks of water safety and control of water pollution

Research Interest

Environmental science, Biology, Biochemistry

Research Interest

Forensic Pathology, Toxicology and Poisoning, Medico-Legal Death Investigations, General Medicine

Research Interest

Synthesis of nanomaterials, Electrochemistry, Bio polymers for energy applications, Gel electrolytes, Dye-Sensitized Solar cells, Green Synthesis, Thermoelectric materials

Research Interest

General Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery

Research Interest

Obstetrics and Gynecology, Infertility and assisted reproduction, Gynecologic endoscopy (laparoscopy / hysteroscopy), obstetric and Gynecologic ultrasound

Research Interest

Sociology and sustainable development

Research Interest

Bladder Cancer Immunotherapy, Vitiligo, Psoriasis, Breast and Gynecological Pathology, Gastrointestinal Pathology

Research Interest

Clinical Microbiology, Bacteriology, Antimicrobial Resistance, Infectious diseases

Research Interest

Vaccines, Immunology, Inflammation, Innate Immunity, Adaptive Immunity, Antibodies, Immunotherapies

Research Interest

Chemical System & Engineering, Pharmacology and Bio-Engineering

Research Interest

Regenerative medicine, biomaterials, inorganic materials, Carbon, stem cells, cancer diagnosis, bioimaging

Research Interest

Cancer and Cell biology, Immunonology, Virology and Molecular biology

Research Interest

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Research Interest

Basic Sciences in Traumatology, Robotic Surgery in Orthopedics, Stem Cell Replacement Therapy, Artificial Intelligence, COVID-19

Research Interest

Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in the treatment of hematological diseases, the pathogenesis of GVHD and prevention Risk stratification of prognosis and mechanism of drug resistance in multiple myeloma

Research Interest

Mechanical Engineering, Surface science and technology, coating structures, mechanical properties, contact mechanics, fatigue, solid lubricant films, hard coatings, tribology, corrosion

Research Interest

Biomedical engineering, biomaterials, nanomaterials, cancer research

Research Interest

Total reconstructions utilizing All-on-4, All-on-6 and Zygomatic Implants

Research Interest

Bioethics, philosophy of language, psychoanalysis, psychology, medical studies, biopolitics, biotechnology

Research Interest

Biomedical Science, Clinical Pathology, Public Health Medicine, Cannabinoid medicine

Research Interest

Epigenetics and post translational modification in the pathogenesis of acute myocardial infarction, Robot assisted Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, Early biomarkers of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases

Research Interest

Application of bioengineering techniques in urethral repair

Research Interest

Agricultural, Food Industries, Chemistry, Environment

Research Interest

Agriculture, Environmental, Ecotoxicology, Biodiversity

Research Interest

Disease surveillance and early warning; Biological weapons non proliferation and Biorisk management and information quality

Research Interest

Uveitis, Cornea and External Eye diseases, Dry Eyes

Research Interest

Materials Science and Engineering, Photonics, Fiber Optics, Mechanics of Optical Fibers

Research Interest

Pharmacy, Therapeutics, Clinical Pharmacy

Research Interest

Impact assessment, Agricultural Development, Agricultural Finance, Agricultural Marketing

Research Interest

Identification of novel compounds targeting cancer drug targets, Focusing on GI cancers

Research Interest

Chronic Disease Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Hepatology and Biliary Sciences

Research Interest

Microbiology, Virology, Epidemiology, Genomic and Cell biology

Research Interest

NCD i.e. obesity, metabolic syndrome and disorders, Cardiometabolic Diseases, Diabetes etc

Research Interest

Natural Products, Diabetes, Cancer Biology Nanotechnology

Research Interest

Research Work Includes Organic Synthesis, Chitosan Bio-Composite, Assorted Dimensional Matrix, And Drug Score Analysis, Docking.

Research Interest

General Medicine, Mental Health, Public Health, Infectious Diseases, Tactical Medicine, Medical Clinic

Research Interest

clinical biochemistry, biochemical technics, molecular biology, genetics, cancer research, vitamin D, cardiac biomarkers, urology, neurologic diseases, dermatological biomarkers, obstetrics and gynecology, sports medicine and homocysteine

Research Interest

Cell Culture, Flow Cytometry, RNA and DNA, Extraction and Purification of Proteins

Research Interest

Drug Discovery & Enzymes Research and Development Clinical Research, Advanced Hematology Histopathology Cell biology, Animal physiology Biotechnology, Environment and Biodiversity

Research Interest

Animal Science and other multidiscipline areas

Research Interest

Advanced materials, Electrochemical sensing, biosensing and rug delivery

Research Interest

Health , Marketing, Business Administration, Data Analytics, Healthcare Management

Research Interest

Radiology, pediatric radiology, biomaterials

Research Interest

Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Human-Computer Interaction, Collaborative Virtual Environments, Modeling, design and buiding processess of educative software applications

Research Interest

Chemistry of Carbohydrates, Enzymology, Lipid Biochemistry, Cell Biochemistry, Drug metabolism and Toxicology

Research Interest

Expert in raw materials, finished Products, methodology, and analytical method validation-chromatography, spectrophotometry, densitometry and electrochemistry

Research Interest

Machine learning and Traditional programming

Research Interest

Advanced Molecular Biology, Modern Biological Research Methods, Preface to Life Sciences, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Immunology

Research Interest

Genomics/Transcriptomic in human genetics diseases, Molecular biology and genetics in human diseases and Neurogenetics

Research Interest

Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

Research Interest

Fluid Structure Interaction, Waves in Complex Media, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Analytical Modeling

Research Interest

Plant Physiology, Biotechnology, Tissue Culture and Nanotechnology

Research Interest

Hematology, Immunohematology, Hematological Malignancies, Immunology, Oncology, Infectious Diseases, Inflammatory Disorders

Research Interest

Metallurgical process simulation, Efficient utilization of metallurgical resources

Research Interest

Materials Science; Biomimetic Materials; Chemistry Engineering

Research Interest

AI and Network Science – Gene regulatory networks, Cascading networks

Research Interest

Public Health, Health Behaviour, Clinical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Toxicology, Medical Laboratory Technology, Environmental Health

Research Interest

insect-plant interaction, insect toxicological parameters induce resistance (IR) in plant against plant pathogens and insects

Research Interest

Advanced Manufacturing, Medical-Industrial Integration, Nanomaterials synthesis

Research Interest

Food processing and component modification, Food safety inspection and control and Bio-manufacturing of food ingredients and additives

Research Interest

Plant Physiology, Ecology, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

Research Interest

Positron Emission Tomography, Radiological Sciences and Drug Discovery

Research Interest

Dentistry, Oral Surgery and Maxillofacial Surgery

Research Interest

Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry

Research Interest

Mammalian Cell culture, Yeast and bacterial culture, cloning and expression in mammalian and prokaryotic expression system, DNA & RNA purification, qPCR, plasmid & siRNA transfection, Lentivirus handling, Nuclear cytoplasmic protein fractionation, SDS-PAGE, western blotting, EMSA, automated Sanger sequencing and sequence analysis, Co- Immunoprecipitation, MTT assay, Flow cytometry, Immunocytochemistry, Confocal microscopy

Research Interest

Environmental and genomic surveillance of human viral diseases; Human microbiome; Virology; Population Health; Synthetic biology for infectious diseases diagnostics

Research Interest

School of Medicine, Department of Molecular Microbiology, Genetics, Chemistry

Research Interest

Department of Immuno- Oncology, Experimental Therapeutics, Nematology,

Research Interest

Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Research Interest

Molecular genetics, Genetics, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Clinical Pathology, Clinical Chemistry

Research Interest

General Surgery, Complex Surgical Oncology, Hepatobiliary Surgery

Research Interest

Statistical Methodology Development for the Design, Analysis of Clinical Trials

Research Interest

Chronic Disease Epidemiology with a Focus on Breast Cancer Prevention, Breast Cancer Disparities, Maternal and Child Health, Chronic Infectious Diseases and HIV Prevention

Research Interest

Chemical Biology, Biochemistry, Cancer Biology, Enzyme inhibitor, Lipidomics

Research Interest

Biomedical Sciences and Medicine

Research Interest

Developing Functional Polymer Membranes for Gas Separation Applications

Research Interest

Pathogenesis of tumor metastasis and apoptosis, Pathogenesis of liver disease in autophagy deficiency

Research Interest

Biochemistry, Nutrition, Physiology

Research Interest

Synthetic Medicinal Chemistry, Nucleoside and Nucleotide chemistry and Biochemical Sciences

Research Interest

Tumor stem cells, Drug resistance, Tumor microenvironment, Tumor immunology, Targeted therapy and immunotherapy, cell of origin of cancer

Research Interest

GI/liver Diseases, Tobacco Dependence Treatment, Physical Assessments, and Womens Health

Research Interest

Biomedical engineering, Cancer models, 3D engineered models, Cancer biology, Tumor microenvironment, Cancer cell movement, Oral cancer, Breast cancer, in vitro live-cell imaging and Spheroids.

Research Interest

Biophysical Chemistry, Human Cancer Cells, Oncology, Anti–Cancer Nano Drugs and DNA/RNA Monitoring

Research Interest

Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Microanatomy and Virtual Microscopy

Research Interest

Bacterial Pathogenesis, Infection biology, Host-pathogen interactions, Cell signaling, Salmonella, Molecular microbiology

Research Interest

Biomaterials, Nanomedicine, Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells, Orthopedic Implants, Bone scaffolds, Drug/Gene Delivery Systems, Ultrasound Therapy, Cancer Nanotechnology, and Pancreatic Islet Transplantation

Research Interest

Molecular Imaging and Radio-ligand Therapy for Prostate Cancer, Antibody-drug Conjugate Therapy for Genitourinary Cancers

Research Interest

Life Science, Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chemistry

Research Interest

Neuroscience, Pediatrics and Trauma

Research Interest

Health Sciences, Philosophy and Medical Sciences

Research Interest

Infectious disease research, Health disparities, Maternal and Child health, Nutrition research, Advocacy and equality and Health Outcomes

Research Interest

Lipid Biochemistry, nutrition and metabolism. Specialization in Lipidomics, Blood Brain Barrier, Alzheimer’s disease, Immunology and Nutrition, Cell culture, Structured lipids, Nanoparticles, Bioactive lipids, Eicosanoids, Cytokines, Atherosclerosis, Cell biology, Inflammation and Drug Delivery

Research Interest

Cancer Biology, Stem Cell Biology and Circadian rhythm

Research Interest

Molecular Neurobiology; Biology; Neuroscience; Neurobiology of Disease; Neurobiology and Anatomical Sciences; Health Sciences; Neurology & Physiology;

Research Interest

Hidden truncation models, Characterization of Bivariate Probability models, Char- acterization via generalized order statistics, Application of hidden truncation models in Economic and Health Care data, Extension of hidden truncation concept in multivariate paradigm, Application of hidden truncation paradigm in survival models, Classical and Bayesian inference for bivariate and multivariate hidden truncation models, Weighted bivariate and multivariate distributions and related inference, Information theory, Compatibility of probability distributions, Measures of Di- vergence related to incompatibility, Application of linear programming problem in the study of compatibility.

Research Interest

Vaccine development, Antibody developability, Protein formulation, Biophysics

Research Interest

Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics, Neurotechnology and Neuroscience, Biomimicry, Flexible Electronics, Smart Materials, Fiber Devices, Neural Implants, Optogenetics, Piezoelectric, Triboelectric, Bioelectronics, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Brain-Machine Interface

Research Interest

Natural, Applied Sciences, Molecular Biology, Genetics and Health Sciences

Research Interest

Biomedical engineering, Biomedical image processing and Biomedical signal processing

Research Interest

Role of Cardiac fibroblasts in cardiac fibrosis, Impact of obesity and diabetes on skeletal muscle, Depot-specific regulation of adipogenesis.

Research Interest

General Medicine, Hepatology, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine

Research Interest

Chemistry; Synthetic bio-Organometallic/Bioinorganic and Coordination Chemistry; Supramolecular Self-assembly and their bio-medicinal properties; Bio-nanomaterials and Medicinal Chemistry

Research Interest

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

Research Interest

Life Science; Hematology, Blood & Bone Marrow

Research Interest

Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Design, Heterocyclic Synthesis, Instrumental Analysis, Pharmacophore Analysis, Molecular Modeling, Molecular Docking, Molecular Dynamics, SAR, QSAR, 3D-QSA

Research Interest

Preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome,Genetics and epigenetics of placentation,Pediatric dentistry

Research Interest

Medical Genetics, Molecular Genetics, Neuro Genetics, Hematology, Cell Biology, Immunology

Research Interest

Health Care Informatics Courses, Health Care Research Analysis and Utilization Course, Evidence Based Practice Project Scholarly Project Course, Health Information Systems & Management Course , Translational research and Public Health Course

Research Interest

Biological Science

Research Interest

Biomedical Science (Stem Cell Differentiation Research)

Research Interest

Internal medicine and Geriatrics

Research Interest

prostate cancer, lipid metabolism and drug discovery

Research Interest

Clinical Case, Cephalometric changes produced by an orthopedic plane, used as a treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders

Research Interest

ONFH(Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head), Osteochondral tissue engineering, Medical Intelligence, Sport Medine

Research Interest

Surface Chemistry, General chemistry, material science and Engineering

Research Interest

Cancer Biology and Genetics, Laboratory of Molecular Medicine,Respiratory Medicine

Research Interest

Cardiac Electrophysiology, Arrhythmia; Optical Mapping; Ventricular Fibrillation; Defibrillation; Sudden Cardiac Death; Mechano-Electrical Feedback; Instrumentation; Image Processing

Research Interest

Immunology, Cancer, Apoptosis, Autophagy, Cellular Signaling

Research Interest

Long term Prognosis for Reduction Surgery, Radical Resection in Almost-cCR Rectal Cancer Patients

Research Interest

Precision livestock farming, Ruminant Nutrition and Rumen microbiology, livestock production and management

Research Interest

Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine

Research Interest

Neurodegenerative disease such as AD, PD, stress condition, Brain tumor or cancer, Inflammatory disease such as OA, RA and pain condition and Stroke condition.

Research Interest

Human Immunology & Molecular Microbiology & Master of Biochemistry

Research Interest

Medical Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Materials Engineering, Cell Biology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Medical Engineering

Research Interest

Environmental Engineering, Biochemical Engineering

Research Interest

Plant Biotechnology, Molecular Markers, Gene Engineering, Molecular Genetics, Gene Transfer Techniques

Research Interest

Organic synthesis, Cyclophanes, Acetylenes, Allenes, Sulfur Compounds, Carbanions and Elimination reactions

Research Interest

Nanomedicine, Immunotherapy, Photothermia, Hyperthermia, Nanoparticles, Molecular Biology and Cancer

Research Interest

Physiology, Cell Culture, Stem Cells, Neuroscience, Sleep Medicine

Research Interest

Molecular Biology, Developmental Biology and Animal Biotechnology

Research Interest

Drug carrier system, Nanoparticles, Nanocomposites, Nanoemulsion self-assembled polymeric Nanostructures and Copolymer blends

Research Interest

Nanocomposite materials and Wastewater treatment

Research Interest

Orthopedic Biomechanics and Movement Analysis, Development of New Rehabilitation Training Devices for Patient Neuromuscular Disorder

Research Interest

Department of Chemistry, Electro-chemistry, Synthesis, Analytical Chemistry, Critical Thinking, Chromatography

Research Interest

Pharmacology, Toxicology, Pharmaceutical sciences

Research Interest

Physical Activity in Untrained Individuals, Nutrition Protocols Before and After a Game or a Race

Research Interest

Coronary Arterial Disease, T2D, Dyslipidemias, Alcohol Liver Disease, NAFLD, Obesity and Addictions

Research Interest

Powder Metallurgy, Metal foams, Coating technology, Surface treatments, Material characterizations, Machinability and Welding

Research Interest

Computational modelling, Multiphase flows, Materials, Energy and Optimisation

Research Interest

Focused on the Semiconductors and Nano composites preparation and structural, Thermal, electrical, optical, and Galvanomagnetical characterization.

Research Interest

Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine, General Surgery, Pharmacology and Radiology

Research Interest

Blistering Diseases, Skin cancer and Chronic wounds

Research Interest

Anatomy, Psychophysiology, Psychophysiology of sports, Age physiology and Valeology

Research Interest

Knowledge of methods of coordination Chemistry and Methodology including preparation of complexes and their characterization by molecular electronic spectra, IR, NMR, CHN analysis and Magnetic Prosperities of complexes and their dependence in solvent composition

Research Interest

Novel molecular and psychological approaches for weight loss, melatonin, time perception, memory, cognition, physics, dark matter of biology, role of heat shock proteins as machinery of brain, memory, and time reversal.

Research Interest

Medical and applied microbiology, infectious diseases related to multidrug resistance (MDR), nanotechnology and cancer

Research Interest

Neonatology, Pediatrics, Neonatal Clinical; Gastroenterology GI Dynamics

Research Interest

Development of new tissue Engineering approaches and of Novel devices and methods for Ultrasensitive single Molecule detection, imaging and Spectroscopy.

Research Interest

Principles of Plant Breeding", "Crop Production", and “Plant Molecular Breeding”. His research interests include plant breeding, plant genetics and crop production

Research Interest

Drug delivery systems and Pharmaceutical Technology

Research Interest

Nanotechnology, cell culture and use of animal model with a special interest in developing Nanoparticles for antimicrobial applications.

Research Interest

Nutritional Sciences, Human Ecology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Anatomy, Bio-Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Drug therapy and Microbiology

Research Interest

Pediatrics, Pediatric cardiology, Medicine

Research Interest

Immunology, Molecular Biology, Periodontics, Periodontal Medicine

Research Interest

Psychiatry and Behavior Therapy

Research Interest

Medical Physics, Non Ionizing Radiation, Magnetic Resonance Safety, Medical LASERs Safety, Electromagnetic Fields Safety

Research Interest

Medical Education, Anatomy, Neurology and Neuroscience

Research Interest

Clinical Immunology & Immunopharmacology

Research Interest

Board Certified Psychiatrist by ABPN, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Research Interest

Endodontics, Conservative Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry, Dental materials

Research Interest

Pedagogical, Psychological, Philosophical, Sociological, Human Science

Research Interest

Water and Irrigation Management, Soil and Irrigation Science

Research Interest

Cancer screening methods design and development

Research Interest

Anatomy, Cancer Epidemiology, Preventive Oncology

Research Interest

Neuroscience and Brain computer interface

Research Interest

Neurology, Drugs, Canabidiol, Neurosurgery

Research Interest

Clinical biochemistry, Biochemichal technics, Molecular biology, Genetics, Cancer research, Vitamin D, Cardiac biomarkers, Urology, Neurologic diseases, Dermatological biomarkers, Obstetric and gynecology, Homocysteine

Research Interest

Plant physiology, Medicinal and Aromatic plants

Research Interest

cancer, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, non-communicable chronic diseases, Clinical trials, cross-sectional studies, post-marketing studies, cohort studies

Research Interest

Statistics and Computational Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering, Environment & Natural Resources,

Research Interest

Network Oriented Modeling, Telecommunication and informatics supporting engineer,

Research Interest

Biology of Behaviour, Physiological Regulation, Biology, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Memorize and psychomotoric ability of male mice

Research Interest

Pain, Inflammation, Memory, Learning, LTP, Herbal Medicine, Diabetes

Research Interest

Laboratory animal science, Ethology, Cell Biology and Parasitology

Research Interest

Nursing, Maternity & Newborn Health

Research Interest

Diabetes Epidemiology, Alzheimers Disease, Diabetes Complications, Diabetes Education, Diabetes, Diabetes Management

Research Interest

Probiotics ,Metabolomics Technology, Biomarker Discovery

Research Interest

Inorganic Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Systems, Phosphazene Compounds, Bodipy Dyes, Polyoxometalates and Light-Driven Hydrogen Evolution

Research Interest

History of Contemporary Philosophy, Psychological Sciences and Techniques

Research Interest

Medical Laboratory Sciences, Public Health, Environmental sciences, Microbiology, Biochemistry/Microbiology

Research Interest

Nursing, Medically Complex Children, Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Nutrition, Health Informatics, Rheumatology, General Pediatrics, and Nursing Leadership

Research Interest

Insect Ecology, Insect Biodiversity, Crop pests/ invasive species

Research Interest

Applied Sciences, Biological Chemistry, Neurosciences

Research Interest

General Neurology, Cerebrovascular diseases, Dementia, Cognitive Disorders, Neurosonology, Neurophysiology and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Research Interest

Dentistry, Periodontics, Endodontics, Dental implants, Mental health, Molecular biology, Genetics, Dentistry for patients with special needs, Autism, Applied behavior analysis

Research Interest

Organic Chemistry Chemical Experimentation and Statistical Thinking Integrative project in chemistry and nanotechnology Nanomaterials and Bioinorganic Materials Biochemistry, Analytical Chemistry

Research Interest

Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Microbiology, Food science, Food chemistry and Chinese medicine

Research Interest

Ion Channels, Electrophysiology, Cochlear Nucleus, Patch Clamp and Optogenetic

Research Interest

Tissue and Culture, Microbiology and Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Sciences

Research Interest

Mathematical Models for Population Growth, Stochastic Processes and their Applications in Physics, Ecology, Biology, Economics and Communication problems, Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, Time Series Modeling and their Applications, Queuing and Storage Theory and their Applications, Applications of Statistics and Probability Theory to Demography, Insurance, Economics, Business, Public Health, Medical and Social Sciences

Research Interest

Pharmacology, Pathophysiology, Regenerative medicine, Pathological processes and Develop drugs for regenerative medicine

Research Interest

Physics and Mathematics, Scientific, Functional Analysis

Research Interest

Nursing, Reduction of HIV in minna chanchaga LGA, Maternal and child health Rafi LGA, Health care system, Personal and environmental hygiene,

Research Interest

medicine focused, gynecologic, obstetric and endocrine research.

Research Interest

Dentistry, Dental Materials Science, Oral Surgery

Research Interest

Development of bio-directed nanomaterials for lab-on-a-particle sensing

Research Interest

Plant Disease Epidemiology, Mycology Especially Molecular Characterization of Wheat Rust

Research Interest

Andrology, Endourology, Reconstructive Urology, Female Urology, Urogynecology, Urolithiasis, Urology and Uro-Oncology

Research Interest

Molecular mechanisms in Cancer progression, miRNAs as biomarkers in Cancer prognosis and response to therapy, Management and prevention of chemotherapy induced toxicity in Cancer treatment, Exercise as Therapy and its Application in Cancer rehabilitation, Exercise interventions in training and sports performance

Research Interest

Regional anesthesia Theoretical Medicine

Research Interest

Real Quadratic Number Fields, Diophantine Sets, Algebraic Number Theory, Algebra, Quadratic Field Extensions, Arithmetic functions, Pell Equations, Diophantine Equations, Analytic Number Theory, Abstract Mathematics, Set Theory, C*-Algebra, Fixed Point Theory, Metric Spaces, Cryptology

Research Interest

Pediatrics and Neonatology, Pediatric Studies and Care, Clinical Trials and Case Studies, Medical Research and Health Sciences, Public Health, Pediatric Health and Nutrition, Clinical Cases, Pediatric Research and Child Health, Family Medicine, Medical Case, Pediatrics and Neonatal Biology, Pregnancy and Child Health, Advances in Pediatric Research, Perinatology and Clinical Pediatrics, Probe Neuroscience and Behavioral Health, Nursing Scientific Networks and Nursing Education, Anesthesiology & Pain Management, Pediatric Diseases

Research Interest

Pharmacological and pharmaceutical studies,Cancer cell line research,Spectrophotometry,Histology,Phytochemical screenings

Research Interest

Hyperuricemia, Xanthine oxidase inhibition by some selected medicinal plants, Enzyme Inhibition, Study of traditional system medicine (Indusyunic Medicine) Phytochemistry, poisonous plants. Bioactivity and phytopharmaceutical evaluation of herb drugs and their natural products, Medicinal plants and Clinical trial, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics

Research Interest

Cancer immunology, Cancer Therapy, Head and Neck cancer, Tumor Biology, Tumor Microenvironment, cancer stem cells

Research Interest

Biological Chemical Physical Sciences

Research Interest

Drugs and Alcohol, Public Health, Shoreline Behavioral Health Services, Social Services, Intermediate Care, Mental Health

Research Interest

Drug Discovery, Medical Oncology, and Targeting oncogenic receptors in tumours

Research Interest

Food security, climate change, adaptation and mitigation, sustainable development, job creation and employment, unemployment, productivity and technical efficiency and technology adoption

Research Interest

Anatomy, Medicine, Critical care, Pathology Nuclear Medicine, Oncology, Radiotherapy, Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Physiology

Research Interest

The antibacterial & therapeutic effects of green tea on oral & periodontal health - A review; Review of the anticariogenic effects of green tea catechins on teeth; Review of the versatility of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) in dentistry

Research Interest

Research in the field of Prosthetic Dentistry, with major concern on prosthetic materials including dental ceramics, fiber reinforced composites and post and core restorations.

Research Interest

Biochemistry and Phisology, Molecular biology, Hematology of Animals, Analyses of Bone Marrow, toxcity

Research Interest

Nursing Science, Health Clinic, Psychology, Community and Family Nursing, Epidemiology and Intervention in Dementia Syndrome, Primary Attention of Health, Management in Health Information,

Research Interest

Genomics, Proteomic, Transcriptomic and Functional Genomics

Research Interest

Abdominal surgery, Colorectal surgery, Trauma surgery, Military medicine

Research Interest

Laparoscopic Surgery, Abdominal Surgery, Surgical Oncology, General Surgery, Cytokines, Radioactivity, Clinical Ophthalmology, Trauma, Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Research Interest

Organic Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, Macromolecular Chemistry

Research Interest

Zeolite: synthesis and applications, Biomaterials: synthesis and applications, Green materials and waste utilization, Membrane and separation, Electrospinning technique, Clay based materials and applications, Rubber technology

Research Interest

Semisolid forms, Dispersions, Rheology of complex systems

Research Interest

Drug and alcohol abuse; Forensic analysis; Toxicology; Forensic investigations; Analytical chemistry

Research Interest

Cardiothoracic Anesthesia; Pediatric, ICU, Pain

Research Interest

Biomacromolecules (i.e. proteins such as collagen or gelatin), Bioplastics, Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering, Electrospinning, Rheology

Research Interest

Hyperinsulinaemia in pregnancy and development of Preclampsia, Perinatal Medicine, Abnormal maternal cardiac function and morphology in pregnancies

Research Interest

Integrated Horticulture Crops Management, Plant Physiology, Greenhouses Plantation, Jojoba Production and Soilless culture of vegetables.

Research Interest

Oncology Nursing, Medicine, Pain Management & Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

Research Interest

Molecular biology, Immunology, Microbiology, Virology, Parasitology and Genetics

Research Interest

Cancer diagnosis , Infectious diseases diagnosis , Liver diseases evaluation

Research Interest

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Research Interest

Two-photon fluorescence probe, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Research Interest

Plant Biology, Plant Physiology, Molecular Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering, RNA Interference technology, Bioorganic Chemistry.

Research Interest

Food Microbiology and Biotechnology, Food safety and quality assurance, Development of new innovative food products using indigenous sources, Role of plant bioactive moieties against lifestyle related disorders

Research Interest

Energy; Mechanics; Decison support systems; Circular Economy; Diagnostics; Environmental Economics; Economic Development; Economic Modelling; Circuit Design; Circuits and Systems

Research Interest

Women Health, Gynecology, Obstetrics and Nursing education

Research Interest

Cardio-renal disorders, metabolic syndrome clusters, oxidative stress, phyto-medicine, occupational health, women health, inflammation and immune dysfunction

Research Interest

Reactor Physics and Digital I & C system

Research Interest

Nursing management and leadership, Nursing Ethics and professionalism, Mental health nursing, Critical care nursing, Health care Management, Service administration, Educational administration, Personnel management (development, evaluation, satisfaction), Quality improvement of health service and education, Curriculum development, Nursing Education

Research Interest

Medicine; Health Care

Research Interest

Nano Structure; Nano Technology; Nano-Physics

Research Interest

Antimicrobial agents, HPLC, Phytochemicals, Clinical Research

Research Interest

Biomedical sciences, design of polymer based therapeutic carriers, Polyelectrolytes and their contributions in treatment of diseases, Naturally occurring chemopreventive agents, Diets as source of therapeutics

Research Interest

Industrial Relations, Marxism, Popular music, Sports history, and Sports sociology

Research Interest

Clinical pharmacology / Cardiovascular Pharmacology

Research Interest

Biology, Nursing, Veterinary and Agronomy

Research Interest

History of Medicine; History of Dentistry; Forensic Dentistry

Research Interest

Maternal and newborn health nursing, Obstetric and woman ‘s health nursing,

Research Interest

Paediatric orthopaedic, Trauma, Septic orthopaedic

Research Interest

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, General Dentistry

Research Interest

Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse, Operating room Registered Nurse

Research Interest

Geology, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Palaeontology ,Anthropology, Archaeology

Research Interest

Breast Radiology and Neuroradiology

Research Interest

Physical Therapy, Hydrotherapy, Manual Therapy, Exercise Fitness, Clinical Observation, Muscle Evaluation I&II, Biomechanics III and Quality assurance

Research Interest

Dentistry Surgery; Orthodontics

Research Interest

Immunodeficiency Autoimmunity Neuro-endocrino-immunology Pharmacogenomics Vaccine and autoimmune diseases

Research Interest

Medical Surgical, Clinical Skills & Development, Nursing Sciences

Research Interest

Medical image processing and analysis, Thermal Imaging, Hyperspectral imaging

Research Interest

MEMS/NEMS design and fabrication, nanomaterials synthesis and fabrication, catalytic chemistry/chemical sensor, femtosecond laser technology, and 3D printing

Research Interest

Aesthetic, Cosmetic Dentistry, Orthodontics, General Dentistry

Research Interest

Ultrasound Medicine and ultrasound intervention

Research Interest

Cartilage and Bone Biology, Anxiety and Depression Research, Bone Pain, Liver injury, Calcium Ion Channels

Research Interest

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, General Dentistry

Research Interest

Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Materials Science

Research Interest

General obstetrics and gynecology, Urogynecology, Reproductive gynecology, Adolescent Gynecology

Research Interest

Child Health and Disease Nursing Department

Research Interest

My research interest lies in the understanding of human hepatocellular carcinoma to improve its clinical prognosis. My research focuses on the following areas: 1. Characterization of key oncogenes/tumor suppressors in HCC 2. Identification and validation of promising prognostic/diagnostic biomarkers for HCC 3. Genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 knockout screens to identify cellular factors involved in anti-cancer drug resistance

Research Interest

Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Wheeled Mobility and Seating Interventions, Assistive Technology, Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities, Pediatric and School-based Rehabilitation, and Geriatric Rehabilitation

Research Interest

Obstetrics and Gynecology, Infertility and assisted reproduction, Gynecologic endoscopy (laparoscopy / hysteroscopy), obstetric and Gynecologic ultrasound

Research Interest

Neuropsychiatric Disorders

Research Interest

Culture Psychology, Marriage and Family Research, Attachment

Research Interest

Pharmacology, Nanotechnology and Polymer-Technology

Research Interest

Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacognosy

Research Interest

Health Informatics; E-health; M-health; Clinical Decision Support Systems; Semantic Interoperability; Data Quality; Health Information Systems (Design; Evaluation; Standards); Electronic Health Records (EHR); Health Information Systems and Management; Health Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery; Decision Support Systems; Health Administration and Management; Quality; Assessment; Education and Research Methods.

Research Interest

Veterinary Anatomy and Embryology, Animal Biotechnology, Molecular Biology

Research Interest

Clinical care, Patient education, Family caregivers’ education and support, Elderly care, Wound management, Care nursing in coma and vegetative state, Cancer care

Research Interest

Flavor production via Maillard reaction, biotechnology and aromatic plants Natural antioxidants from the spices and aromatic plants The application of flavor, antioxidants and antimicrobial in food products Flavor encapsulation Flavor nanotechnology Favor bioactivities

Research Interest

Date palm micropropagation and physiological studies

Research Interest

Medical Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Oxidative stress, Antioxidants, Cancer

Research Interest

Orthopedic Surgery, Knee & Hip Surgery, Trauma surgeon; Pelvic and Acetabulum fractures

Research Interest

Food and Industrial Microbiology; Medical Microbiology; Applied Microbiology

Research Interest

Veterinary surgery, Anesthesia, Pain management, Imaging guided nerve block, Diagnostic imaging and biotechnology

Research Interest

Animal Genetics, Breeding, Genomics, Bioinformatics, and Biotechnology

Research Interest

Biosensors; Bioelectronics; Biodevices

Research Interest

Soil and Water management; Chemistry

Research Interest

Biomedical Statistics and Biology

Research Interest

Restorative Dentistry, Fixed prosthodontics, Endodontics

Research Interest

Nuclear pharmacy, oncology ,heart Sciences and Neuroscience in Laboratory

Research Interest

Periodontist & Implantologist; Dental Surgeon; Oral Biology and Periodontology

Research Interest

Clinical Specialist in Prosthodontics; Dentistry

Research Interest

Dental Implant Stem cell, Bone Regeneration Oral and maxillofacial traumatology

Research Interest

Postpartum depression; oxytocin; Recognition of facial Expressions of Emotion

Research Interest

Implantology and Biografting; Nerve Transposition

Research Interest

Materials Science and Engineering ,Heating Equipment Assisted by Computer

Research Interest

Structural Engineering; Civil Engineering

Research Interest

Prosthodontics; Dentistry

Research Interest

Sustainable Agriculture, Environment, Suitability, Water Quality, Agriculture, Ecology, Soil, Climate Change, Soil Fertility, Soil and Water Conservation, Irrigation, Precision Agriculture, Field Crops and Soil Analysis

Research Interest

Food Access and Food Choice, Minority Health Issues and Health Disparities, Community Capacity, Adolescent Smoking Cessation, Chronic Disease Prevention

Research Interest

Periodontology, Dental Laserology, Oral Implantology, Periodontal Plastic Surgeries, Oral Mesotherapy, Nutrition, Dental Pharmacology

Research Interest

Paediatric Rheumatology

Research Interest

Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology, Microbial bioactive metabolism involving antibiotics, biocatalysts, biopolymers and biosurfactants; structure-function relationships, modeling, optimization and production engineering for applications in health care and the environment

Research Interest

to find devices for the treatment of oral diseases that do not have side effects on systemic health such as Photodynamic Therapy, Ozone, Laser and so on. A concept dear to me is that oral health is a window on systemic health.

Research Interest

Currently focused on hepatocellular carcinoma. Interested in basic science and molecular genetics of hepatocellular carcinoma.

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