Volume 7 - Issue 4

Opinion Biomedical Science and Research Biomedical Science and Research CC by Creative Commons, CC-BY

The Generalized Sigmoid Almost Power Law Family of Distributions

*Corresponding author: Clement Boateng Ampadu, 31 Carrolton Road, Boston, MA 02132-6303, USA

Received: January 29, 2020; Published: February 19, 2020

DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2020.07.001161


In [1] we presented a new family of distributions based on the transformation U =xmin ·X, where xmin > 0 and X is a random variable with CDF FX. The new class of distributions appeared to be a good fit to data that are reverse ’J’ shaped in nature. In this short communication we assume X follows the generalized sigmoid generated family of distributions [2], and show a sub-model of the new class of distributions is a good fit to a real-life data set. Consequently, we ask the reader to further investigate some properties and applications of this family.

Keywords and Phrases: Power law probability distributions; Weibull distribution; Generalized Sigmoid generated family of distributions.


The New Family

At first, we recall the following


[1] Let and X is a random variable with CDF FX, then the CDF of U is

Given the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of some baseline distribution as F(x), we defined the generalized sigmoid generated family of distributions with the following CDF

where It follows from

Proposition 1.1:
we have the following

Suppose the random variable Z has CDF F(z), then, the CDF of the generalized sigmoid almost power law family of distributions is given by

Practical illustration of the new family

We assume Z is a Weibull random variable, so that

where a, b, z > 0. It now follows from Proposition 1.2, that we have the following


The CDF of the generalized sigmoid Weibull almost power law family of distributions is given by


We write if M is a random variable with CDF given by the theorem immediately above. The generalized sigmoid Weibull almost power law family of distributions is practically significant in modelling real-life data as shown below (Figure 1).

Biomedical Science &, Research

Figure 1: The CDF of GSWAPL (1.40849, 165.612, 2.4847, 0.3) fitted to the empirical distribution of the breast cancer data [3].


Biomedical Science &, Research

Figure 2: The PDF of GSWAPL (1.40849, 165.612, 2.4847, 0.3) fitted to the histogram of the breast cancer data [3].

The PDF of the generalized sigmoid almost power law family of distributions can be obtained by differentiating the CDF (Figure 2).

Concluding Remarks

In this short communication, we introduced a new family of almost power law distributions, and showed a sub-model is practically significant in fitting data in the health sciences. A future interesting problem is to investigate some properties and additional applications of this class of statistical distributions [3].


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