Research Interest

Health economics, Outcomes research, Health policy, Public health, Epidemiology


Abdalla Abo Talleb is one of the most profound experts in healthcare policy and regulations in the MENA region His expertise extends from HTA & Reimbursement policies to regulatory and supply chain strategies in the public sector. He has been involved in the fields of health economics, outcomes research, Health policy reforming and reimbursement polices within the healthcare industry for 15 years, with experience across the pharmaceutical, biologicals and vaccines. And now works for WHO as a project manager at health care reforming area. He is graduated in faculty of pharmacy then obtained a post-graduate in health economics followed by a PhD in Health Economics & Policy form York University. He is also having a degree in Project management professional (PMP), Pharm. D certificate and a Master of business administration (MBA). In addition, he is being a committee member and project manager in a number of national projects in many countries including Germany. United Kingdom, Egypt, Algeria, Sudan, Russia, UAE, Morocco, Jordan, Iraq, Turkey, KSA, GULF, USA and Poland, He is a very active researcher with tens of publication across different well recognized organizing including ISPOR, ESMO, ASCO, ECCO, iHEA. HTAI and EuHEA. He has been a true contributor to several public and industrial projects in Egypt and MENA region his homeland. He committedly changed the landscape of the healthcare policy there. A few examples to mention are his contributions to the establishment of the NORCB (national organization for control and research of biologics), Egyptian Biosimilars guidelines the cancer and MS registry & guidelines. Establishing stroke units & guidelines, hospital based HTA and Health economic unit at ministry of health in Egypt’s different sectors. Multiple engagement efforts are well recognized in his research through introducing concepts of stakeholder engagement. He also does that by being an active member of many research organizations internationally and locally like the ISPOR and its local chapter. He remains a very rich source of developmental initiatives having been hands on expert across different sectors of the healthcare systems and a visionary for healthcare reform.

Research Interest

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Sub-Speciality in Endoscopic Surgery and Reproductive & Stem Cell Medicine

Research Interest

Life Sciences,Biochemistry

Research Interest

Associate Director Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory-Pathology

Research Interest

Epidemiology, Infectious diseases, Chronic diseases, Pediatrics, Non-communicable diseases, Clinical trials, Medicine


Dr. Nicolas Padilla Raygoza Medical Doctor, Pediatrician, Epidemiologist (Specialist, Master y Doctorate Degree), Social Gerontologist, Candidate to Nutrition Doctorate and he was the professor of full time ivision of Health Sciences and Engineerin, Campus Celaya-Salvatierra, University of Guanajuato México. He was the coordinator of Research and Medical Education Continuous, School of Medicine, University of Celaya.

Research Interest

Electrochemistry of corrosion processes, localized corrosion, interfacial electron-transfer kinetics, atmospheric corrosion, marine corrosion, soil corrosion, reinforced steel corrosion


She is majored in Electrochemistry (Eng.) in Sofia, Bulgaria, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy. Her PhD is done in Institute of Physical Chemistry (Bulgaria) (“Overvoltage of copper deposition”) and after that was working as researcher in the “Institute for Protection of Metals from Corrosion” (Sofia, Bulgaria), as a head of National Laboratory for Testing of Corrosion. Since 1994 is Associated Professor at Applied Physics Department (Center for Investigation and Advanced Study - CINVESTAV, Mexico), teaching in Master/ Doctor Degrees programs, and also is adviser of thesis.

Research Interest

Clinical tropical medicine, Medical parasitology, Water based research, Diagnostic challenge, and Natural products.


I worked for nearly 2 decades at the University of Malaya, Malaysia, beginning as a naïve academic lecturer at the Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine. Having a background as a medical doctor, it was such an incredible journey to work outside my home country-Thailand. This was a challenging experience to groom myself in transforming from a plain medical doctor to a teacher, who transferred knowledge to students in the same field. And indeed, what a gift to me that throughout my years at the University of Malaya, I had the opportunity to get to learn not only in teaching for undergraduate medical students, Master programs (e.g., MSc (Parasitology) and Master of Pathology) and PhD levels for postgraduate students and as a visiting Professor at Centro Escolar University, Philippines and Walailak University, Thailand. The experiences geared me to broaden my horizon not only dealing with students of different educational and cultural backgrounds who were eager to learn but also various research aspects related to “Clinical Tropical Medicine” with a special focus on medical parasitology. The challenges I accepted, helped me in uplifting my skill and expertise at international levels in various aspects from publications, speaker ships (e.g., Keynote, Plenary, invited), editorial board member, peer reviewer, associate and Guest Editors. I find myself in those experiences, also provided me the opportunities to improve the well-being of communities that I met in so many ways.

Research Interest

Medical Radiation physics, Nuclear Physics, Radiotherapy and brachytherapy


Nina Tuncel has completed her PhD at the age of 35 years from Istanbul University Oncology Institutes in medical radiation physics. She is the chief medical physic from 1999 to 2013 at Akdeniz University medical school radiation oncology department. She has her career as teaching staff for training Medical Physics at physics department of science faculty and radiation oncology department of medical school of Akdeniz University. She has published more than 30 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute.

Research Interest

Psychosomatic disorders, Psychology, Addiction medicine, Sexual disorders therapy


I am Mojtaba Mafi, Medical Doctor/ Physician, graduated from Tehran university, School of Medicine with honor. I studied in neurosurgery ward and graduated with A score with thesis on Meningioma Brain Tumor during 6 years. With continuing my practice with special consideration on psychosomatic disorders, I completed many post graduate courses on health psychology, addiction medicine, sexual disorders therapy successfully. I passed many post graduate courses in Neuro, approved by Medical sciences university. As well, I have been passed post graduate courses on Nutrition, Gastroenterology and hepatology, Obesity treatment and diabetes approved by Tehran University of Medical sciences. I successfully passed more than 10 programs with certificates and membership in Iranian Association of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Having honor of working as associate of Iran Hepatitis Network and Gastroenterology and Hepatology research center, Middle East Liver Diseases Center (MELD).

Research Interest

Male urethral discharge, Causative Microbial Agents, Vaginal Discharge, Causative Microbial Agents, Urine In Health And In Immuno-Compromised State, Microbiologic Profile, Study On Hepatitis B Virus


Dr. Nwadioha, Samuel Iheanacho is a distinguished scholar, Assoc. Professor of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology and a consultant infectious disease physician and Venereology with the College of Health Sciences, Benue State University and the Teaching Hospital, Makurdi Nigeria. He was a previous head of the department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology, both in the University and in the teaching hospital until the expiration of the tenure. He has published many scholarly books and reputable national and international journal publications. He has a fellowship award of Medical College of Pathology, in Nigeria. He is a fellow of Institute of Industrial administration (FIIA) and Medical Noble International Award. A receiver of TETFUND Institutional Based Research grant. He is a member of many learned and professional societies locally and internationally, some include, Association of Pathologists of Nigeria, Medical and Dental Consultants Association of Nigeria, Alliance for Prudent Use of Antibiotics (APUA), American Society of Microbiology (ASM), European Society of Microbiology & Infectious Diseases(ESMID).

Research Interest

Public Health, Pharmacology, Medicine

Research Interest

Mathematical Statistics, Data Analysis (Environmental, Agricultural, Medical), Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, New Computer Technologies Development, System Analysis (Environmental Water Pollution), Computing Mathematics


Kartlos Kachiashvili has his expertise in Mathematical Statistics, Data Analysis, Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, New Computer Technologies Development, System Analysis, Computing Mathematics. He developed his activities in scientific production associations, research institutes and universities of different countries (Georgia, Russia, Pakistan). Developed by him methods, models, systems, methodologies, program packages were practically realized in real systems of different countries of former USSR. His research results are published in 216 scientific articles and 7 monographs published in many well-known, international journals and publishing houses. He obtained scientific degree “Candidate of Sciences” in March, 1978, in Moscow Power Institute (Technical University) – МЭИ (Russia). The next scientific degree “Doctor of Sciences” (Dr. of Sc.) he obtained in October, 1990, in D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (Moscow).

Research Interest

Metallic materials, Mechanical properties, oxidation at high temperature, corrosion properties, electrochemical techniques for characterizing corrosion, metallography, microstructures


Patrice Berthod is a french Engineer in mechanics and an Associate Professor in chemistry of materials. His last diplomas are engineer graduated in 1987 from the Ecole Centrale de Lille (formerly Institut Industriel du Nord), Ph.D. doctor graduated in 1993 from the Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine and an Authorization to Supervise Researches (formerly State Doctorate) graduated in 2010 by the University Henri Poincaré Nancy 1. Employed as a Research & Development engineer during several years by an international iron-making company, he became in 1999 an Assistant Professor, and later an Associate Professor in the University of Lorraine. His teaching and research activities deal with the thermodynamical, microstructural, mechanical and chemical reactivity properties of various metallic materials including ferrous alloys, superalloys and dental alloys.

Research Interest

Sensing/bio sensing technology and rapid diagnosis, Synthesis and application of nano materials, Environmental analysis and environmental remediation, Wastewater-based epidemiology and public health

Research Interest


Formerly Director of the Department of Surgical Sciences at the University of Udine School of Medicine from 2003 to 2009 and Professor and Chairman of the ENT Clinic at the same University from 1997 to 2013.He graduated in medicine at the University of Bologna in 1968. He completed his residence programme in otolaryngology and subsequently in pathology. He worked at the ENT Department of Padua University from 1970 to 1997. Professor Ferlito has collaborated in writing articles, editorials, commentaries, consensus statements, letters to the editor, special issues, book chapters and books with 669 international experts. He has edited a three-volume book entitled Cancer of the Larynx

Research Interest

Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Cancer, Fatty Liver, nano-particles


Samy A. Abdel azim is Professor of molecular biology and Biochemistry At University of Cairo in 2010, In 2008: National research center of Functional and Molecular Biology. Completed his Bachelor degree in Biochemistry from University of Cairo 1982 and his Professional experience 2011. in 2009: Consultant for Clinical Analysis, 2006: Senior Specialist for Clinical Analysis, 1992: Resident in Clinical Analysis , Kasr eleini Pharmacy College Now, research focus on nanoparticles and cell biological and biochemical biomarkers utilized for early diagnosis of diseases by detection of serum microRNA.

Research Interest

Animal histology, Electron microscopy, Immunohistochemistry and histochemistry, Reproductive biology, Embryology, etc.,


Dr. Hanan Abd E lhafeez had his initial education in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assuit University, Assuit, Egypt, where she received B.Sc. degree in veterinary sciences, Assiut University, Egypt. (2000).She has got his M.V.Sc (2005) with a research focus on histomorphological studies on the testis of donkey during postnatal period.and Ph.D with a research focus on morphological studies on the bovine ovary (2011). She is awarded a Channel system program supported by the Egyptian Government at the Department of Anatomy, Ludwig-Maximilians- University, Germany, Munchen .The Ph.D work was done with Prof. Dr.Dr. Dr. Habil /Fred Sinowatz. Author in many scientific papers published in International journals and having practical experience in different diagnostic techniques in the field of histology including: different staining techniques, immunohistochemistry, scanning and transmission electron microscope.

Research Interest

Soft Matter, Drug Delivery and Biotechnology Fields


He is supervisor of a research unit at the CNR-IPCF (Italy), lecturer in several post-graduate courses at University. He has been leading several major research projects that are related to biotechnology, material science and engineering. He has been involved in instrumental development projects within various European laboratories and synchrotron radiation facility (such as Elettra in Trieste-Italy and LURE in Orsay-France).

Research Interest

Physiological of medicinal and aromatic plants, Essential and fixed oils, fertilization, Bio-fertilizers and organic fertilizer, Seed production, Good Agriculture practices, Salinity stress, Drought and water use efficiency - Natural products, Organic farming, Bio-fertilizers and fertilization ,Mycorrhizal fungi, Postharvest treatments, Ornamental plants and Landscaping, Silver nanoparticles, Jojoba, Jatropha.


Esmat Farouk Ali is a professor at Fac. of Agriculture, Assiut Univ., Egypt. He teaches medicinal and aromatic plants, ornamental plants physiology, plant tissue culture as well as ornamental plants and landscape courses for undergraduates and graduates, and supervises M.S. theses. He received B.S (Agriculture), M.S. (Horticulture) from Assiut Univ., and Ph.D. (Medicinal and aromatic plants) from Assiut Univ. His research area of interest is medicinal and aromatic plants production, postharvest of Horticultural crops as well as environmental stresses. His research focuses on bio-fertilizers, volatile and fixed oils, plant production under saline and no saline conditions, Good Agriculture practices, postharvest treatments especially by 1-MCP and silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) as well as plant nutrition. He attended some of training courses in USA, China, Germany, Italy and Belgium in the fields of flower technology, medicinal and aromatic plants drying, education improvement and plant tissue culture. He is the author of thirty five scientific publications in territorial and international journals. He is an editorial board member of Journal of Agriculture and Bio-sciences, International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences, World Journal of Biotechnology, and Excellent Word Journal of Agricultural Science.

Research Interest

Paediatrics, Clinical Pharmacology