Case Report Creative Commons, CC-BY
Diabetic Foot in Algeria – Illustration III Gangrene of the Extremities in Covid 19
*Corresponding author: Nadia Boudjenah, Diabetic Foot Centre, 132 route Ouled Fayet, Amara, Chéraga, Alger 16003, Tel: 213 555 03 89 88, Algeria
Received: August 24, 2021; Published: August 30, 2021
DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2021.14.001949
Diabetic Foot in Algeria - Gangrene of The Extremities During Covid 19”, a question often came up: were there only amputations in the cases
We provide an answer through this illustration of 3 cases, including the most recent, since unfortunately the pandemic continues.
Our therapeutic strategy is fully described in another article “Diabetic Foot in Algeria - Carbomedtherapy”.
The type of debridement that we have chosen is described in another article “Diabetic Foot in Algeria - Debridement of Wounds - Our Attitude”
and illustrated in “Diabetic Foot in Algeria - Illustration II”
Patient 1
Patient: N…. S
a. Male
b. Age: 60 years old
c. Type 2 diabetic on insulin
d. Without particular health history
e. No kidney failure
f. Put under Aspegic 100 and Lovenox 0.6 (2 x per day) for 1
g. HbA1c: 9.20%
h. White blood cells 21000 / mm3
i. Anemia
j. Platelet count at 531,000 / mm3 requiring discontinuation of
k. Neuropathy of the 4 limbs
l. COVID 19 that required hospitalization the previous month.
Visit for necrosis of the left forefoot.
Patient tired from a long hospitalization following COVID 19,
infected and anemic with a significant imbalance of his diabetes
and very stressed by the news of the major amputation.
We decided to start the treatment while clarifying the risk of
major amputation.
Lab analyses and other medical tests:
Arterial and venous Echodoppler which revealed, in addition to
significant Médiacalcose
At the level of the lower left limb:
a. incomplete distal thrombosis in the superficial femoral artery
b. incomplete thrombosis in the popliteal artery
c. incomplete segmental thrombosis in places in the posterior
tibial artery.
d. significant stenosis thrombotic in places in the anterior tibial
e. incomplete thrombosis in the proximal pedal artery
In the lower right limb:
a. incomplete segmental thrombosis in places in the posterior
tibial artery
b. incomplete distal segmental thrombosis in the pedal artery.
There is no venous thrombosis
ii. Blood test
iii. Sampling for bacteriological examination.
First session of Carbomedtherapy (Carbon Dioxide Therapy - CDT).
Local care on the left foot:
a. Foot bath
b. BELCIC* creme first followed by Maggot therapy.
c. Use of Leadermax* crème and Maggot Therapy treatment
d. Coconut balm for rehydration
e. Econazole cream for onychomycosis
f. After surgery, ALTRAZEAL* is used in place of BELCIC and
Maggot Therapy treatment.
Broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy at the start, targeted later
after the results of the antibiogram.
Physical activity: Active mobilization and complete discharge
of the left lower limb with anti-edema position of both limbs.
The evolution has been made towards the delineation of the
necrosis both on the surface and in depth, which has allowed us to
propose a conservative gesture on the left foot.
The surgery act took place on October 09, 2020, a little more
than 1 month after the first visit.
The procedure consisted of amputation of the forefoot and skin
graft, leaving sufficient plantar support in place.
Patient 2
Patient: Y….. A.
a. Male
b. Age: 55 ans
c. Type 2 diabetic on insulin
d. Without specific health history
e. No kidney failure
f. HbA1c: 9,20%
g. Platelet count at 568000/mm3, imposing the stopping of
h. Put on Aspegic 100 and Lovenox 0.6 for a month while
hospitalized for COVID 19.
i. Severe neuropathy of the 4 limbs.
Visit for ischemic necrosis of the left foot, with formal indication
of a thigh amputation.
Patient tired from a long hospital stay with a significant
imbalance of his diabetes and very stressed by the announcement
of the major amputation. We decided to start the treatment while
clarifying the risk of major amputation.
Lab analyses and other medical tests:
Arterial and venous Echodoppler which revealed
significant Médiacalcose, and :
At the level of the lower left limb:
a. a thickened wall with limited flow to the popliteal artery
b. a thickened wall with moderately significant stepped strictures
in the posterior tibial
c. incomplete distal thrombosis in the anterior tibial
d. incomplete thrombosis in the foot artery.
At the level of the lower right limb:
a. significant stenosis, thrombotic distally in the anterior tibial
b. incomplete distal thrombosis in the pedal artery.
On the venous level, there is a thrombosis of the distal left
internal saphenous vein.
ii. Blood test
iii. Sampling for bacteriological examination.
First session of Carbomedtherapy (Carbon Dioxide Therapy – CDT).
Local care on the left foot:
a. Foot bath
b. BELCIC* creme first followed by Maggot therapy.
c. Use of Leadermax* crème and Maggot Therapy treatment
d. Coconut balm for rehydration
e. Econazole cream for onychomycosis
f. After surgery, ALTRAZEAL* is used in place of BELCIC* and
Maggot Therapy treatment.
Broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy at the start, targeted later
after the results of the antibiogram.
Physical activity: Active mobilization and complete discharge
of the left lower limb with anti-edema position of both limbs.
The evolution has been made towards the delineation of the
necrosis both on the surface and in depth, which has allowed us to
propose a conservative gesture on the left foot. The surgery act took
place on January 09, 2021, a little more than 2 month after the first
visit. The procedure consisted of neurectomy of all dead tissue and
atypical trans metatarsal amputation.
Patient 3
Patient: M….F
a. Female
b. Age: 41 years old
c. Chronic bronchitis
d. Uterine fibroma under treatment
e. No kidney failure
f. HbA1c: 5,80%
g. Put under Aspegic 100, Plavix 75, Lovenox 0.8, Sintrom 4mg !!
h. TP a 74,30%???
i. INR a 1,30???
j. Platelet count at 291000 / mm3
k. COVID 19 last month
Visit for ischemia of both feet with a formal indication of
amputation in the right thigh. Patient in good general health
condition, with no particular health history, who, formally refusing
amputation, wished to be treated according to our protocol. We
decided to start the treatment while clarifying the risk of major
Lab analyses and other medical tests:
Arterial and venous Echodoppler:
In the lower right limb:
a. incomplete thrombosis of the common femoral artery
b. damped flow at the level of the deep femoral artery.
c. Incomplete thrombosis of the upper femoral artery.
d. Incomplete parietal thrombosis of the popliteal artery.
e. incomplete segmental thrombosis in the posterior tibial and
the inferior tibial
f. incomplete thrombosis of the pedal artery.
In the lower left limb:
a. incomplete distal thrombosis of the pedal artery.
b. There is a right and left popliteal deep vein thrombosis with
extension towards the ipsilateral external saphenous vein.
ii. Blood test
iii. Sampling for bacteriological examination.
First session of Carbomedtherapy (Carbon Dioxide Therapy - CDT).
Local care on the left foot:
a. Foot bath
b. BELCIC* creme first followed by Maggot therapy.
c. Use of Leadermax* crème and Maggot Therapy treatment
d. Coconut balm* for rehydration
e. Econazole cream for onychomycosis
f. After surgery, ALTRAZEAL* is used in place of BELCIC* and
Maggot Therapy treatment.
Broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy at the start, targeted later
after the results of the antibiogram.
Physical activity: Active mobilization and complete discharge
of the lower right limb with antiedema
position of both limbs
The evolution was made towards the delineation of the necrosis
both on the surface and in depth, which allowed us to propose a
conservative gesture on the right lower limb, the left lower limb
being out of danger. The surgery act took place on August 13, 2021,
less than 2 months after the first visit.
The procedure consisted of debridement of all necrotic tissue
as well as a atypical trans metatarsal amputation, leaving a good
plantar support zone in this young woman. We will publish the
results of this case at a later date.
In the absence of vascular surgery, it is undeniable that
Carbomedtherapy is of considerable benefit. This simple,
inexpensive, and very simple apprenticeship technique avoids
amputation in patients left with very little or no options at all to
avoid losing their autonomy.
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