Volume 22 - Issue 3

Research Article Biomedical Science and Research Biomedical Science and Research CC by Creative Commons, CC-BY

Human Colors

*Corresponding author: Liu Zhaoyang, Yang Yang International Plaza, Block A, ShaanXi province, Xi’an city, China.

Received: May 01, 2024; Published: May 08, 2024

DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2024.22.002966


Humans and animals together constitute a colorful world of life. The earth is natural kleidoscope based on earth rotation. The hatred is from nothing not everything. Animals are diverse, humans are colorful. Waves and particles are two halfs of a whole. Waves produce particles, which in turn produce waves. Animal is science capital and plant is science nature. man is the color of power. Nuclear energy is completely defeated by earthquakes and USA is a loser for man power.

Keywords: Kaleidoscope, Gene spectrum


Humans and animals together form a colorful world of life. Animals are diverse, humans are colorful. Evolution and creation are actually a complete whole. From the perspective of the human world, men are the power evolution of women’s space, and women can also create themselves. What is the origin of humanity? The origin of humanity is actually the origin of a whole. Why do plants appear? Plants are the science of nature. Natural selection is the predator of space. Animals originate from the evolution of spatial forces, and biology does not provide specific explanations or research on what natural forces each animal is. Hate arises from having nothing, not everything. The universe cannot be created out of nothing, humans are not God’s dogs, nor are they wolves without anything. Animals are the benefit of science, and plants are the nature of science. Why can’t human society have a developed world of plants to protect all animals and human society itself, instead of relying on the strong like animals to destroy the entire earth. Human beings are everything to thinkers, and there are many reasonable aspects of human physiological structure that support thought. The five fingers of human beings are the most perfect, which can be described as being clever and skilful. The biological structure of each animal also has reasonable aspects. Natural selection clearly cannot explain the rationality of biological structures. Genetic mutations are more like genetic disasters. The entire gene is more like genetic destruction. In human society, men prey on women’s bodies to create human life. Scientists hunt animal bodies to create scientific life, but science actually has no quality because everyone can use animal bodies to create scientific life.

The color is the origin of humanity. The Earth is a kaleidoscope, which explains the diversity of life. Plants is nature citation index, they are the index of all elements in a certain space, and the science citation indexes are more like predators of scientific elements, forming cliques and deviating from the requirements of scientific nature. Humans have black, white, and yellow races, just like the genetic spectrum of humans. The physiological structure of black and white people varies under different colors. In modern biology with evolution theory, racism is the color of animals, and humans are the animals of race, some academy group are racial animals club. Mixed race is the color of human nature, which is completely different. Wave particle duality, where waves and particles are two parts of a whole. Waves produce particles, which in turn produce waves. Electromagnetic waves are divided into invisible light and visible light, with living light. Human beings are neither animals nor plants, they are human beings. People are the colors of nature. There is a genetic map in nature, where animals are part of the map and plants are also part of the map. Human beings are a part of the natural genetic map.

In biology, species are variable while humans remain unchanged. If the race remains unchanged, it is everything, and the species is variable, it is nothing. From a scientific perspective, life lies in motion, and water is the source of human life. There is a famous saying: Life is like a string of numbers, health is everything, money, status, career, love, family... are the zeros behind them. Without this everything, no matter how many zeros there are, they are meaningless. From a career perspective, health work is the most important. Maintaining a good sitting posture and posture is essential to avoid or reduce cervical spondylosis. Why are people prone to cervical spondylosis? You can refer to the explanation of evolution. In the context of the jungle, survival of the fittest is the biggest lie to the weak, and survival of the fittest is somewhat similar to the tight curse. In addition to defeating the strong with weakness, the weak also need to dispel the lie of survival of the fittest, such as opium in the Opium War.

Studying evolution from a biological perspective reveals that it has a characteristic of amplifying small changes to large ones. The species distance between humans and apes was originally very large. In evolutionary theory, humans evolved from apes. The distance between people is originally very small, and in evolutionary theory, it is the relationship between races. Racism is the ghost axe of Western civilization. During World War II, Hitler raised the ghost axe of genocide towards the Jews. Evolutionary theory is a scientific tool of Western racism. Westerners use racism to divide Easterners into two categories: racial discrimination and colonial education, and racial segregation followed by genocide. The side effects of evolution mainly affect human self repair ability, and a direct example is the use of drugs. In Western science, humans and the origin of the universe are far apart. Western science has proven the origin of the universe using gravitational waves, but humans and humans are very close in origin. Western science is still unable to prove the origin of humans to this day. Westerners actually travel all over the world through cancer. In nature, only dinosaurs have traveled all over the world through the power of nature. The origin of humans in Africa is only a hypothesis, and biology is rooted in the heavens.

The Human Body Is Inviolable and Sacred and It Is Basic Civilization for Woman Creation and Evolution

White people have evil intentions and heart, and having no bottom line is a problem with white civilization. Biology is playing a war game between pea shooter and zombies. Perhaps white people believe that war is a surgical procedure that can solve problems simply and physically. However, the strong have their own strong hands, There is always someone stronger, and nuclear energy is completely defeated by earthquakes. In fact, science dominated by Westerners has utterly collapsed and it is a completely shattered and stinking egg. The earth with all spaces has static power and the color of power. Biology cannot provide a complete natural gene map. Man body is good proof for natural evolution. Biology provides the worst proof of natural evolution. Plant space is standard scientific proof for natural evolution. There are some serious academic problems in the Western academic community, such as scientist want everything to be nothing and evolution like to be a fish in troubled water, race is the color animals, some animal experiments without human nature, The human heart that cannot be gazed upon. Doctors use drugs to treat diseases, but humans are not drug for life users. They are completely speaking for profit, and academic value deviates from the basis of academic nature. People arrogantly believe that humans are animals. When the guns of war face plants, people find it absurd and ridiculous that war is destroying the environment for both winners and losers. Hurricanes will disappear when all the plants on American soil appear as tall as human buildings. Human society ruthlessly preys on the Earth, and the plant environment on Earth is clearly unable to support human society. The decline of human society is related to these academic issues. Human is neither animals nor plants. Human is everything for thinker [1,2].



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  • Baidu knowledge: Are humans still evolving?
  • Baidu knowledge: How many flaws has come from the evolution of human beings who claim to be superior.

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