Volume 22 - Issue 3

Research Article Biomedical Science and Research Biomedical Science and Research CC by Creative Commons, CC-BY

The Ethical and Legal Implications of Nvidia’s ‘$9 Nurses’

*Corresponding author: Kurtin Nathan

Received: April 17, 2024; Published: May 18, 2024

DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2024.22.002962

Nvidia's collaboration with Hippocratic AI to develop AI-powered healthcare "agents" has sparked interest and raised questions about the ethical and legal implications of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare settings. From an ethical and legal perspective, several key considerations and potential outcomes arise from this development.

Recently the AI microchip maker announced a plan to supplement healthcare workers with AI systems which can perform many similar tasks to nurses [1]. According to Nvidia the model outperformed real nurses 79% to 63% in identifying a medication's impact on lab values; 88% to 45% in identifying condition-specific disallowed over-the-counter medications; 96% to 93% in correctly comparing a lab value to a reference range; and 81% to 57% in detecting toxic dosages of over-the-counter drugs.

Ethical and Equity Considerations

The use of AI in healthcare has brought concerns about equity and biases involving access to care [2]. Healthcare providers must ensure that AI systems are deployed in a manner that promotes fairness, transparency, and patient-centered care. In addition to the numerous ethical concerns, some advocates have taken to social media to respond to the legality of the innovation. Aimée Bailey, healthcare innovator and data strategist, quickly reminded her followers that while the software is interesting, we must remember, “In most jurisdictions, the title "nurse" is protected by law, meaning that individuals cannot legally call themselves a nurse unless they have met specific regulatory requirements [3].”

The involvement of nurses' unions adds another layer of complexity to the legal landscape surrounding this recent revelation. Nurses' unions play a crucial role in advocating for the rights and interests of their members, including issues related to employment conditions, job security, and professional standards. From a legal perspective, nurses' unions may raise concerns about the impact of AI-driven technologies on their members' roles, responsibilities, and working conditions. Some potential legal considerations include:

i. Collective Bargaining Agreements: Nurses' unions often negotiate collective bargaining agreements with healthcare employers to establish terms and conditions of employment. The introduction of AI-powered healthcare agents may raise questions about whether such technologies affect nurses' workload, job duties, or job security. If healthcare employers do not comply with these contracts, they could be liable for damages.

ii. Patient Safety and Quality of Care: Nurses' unions have a vested interest in ensuring that AI technologies enhance, rather than compromise, patient safety and quality of care. They may advocate for robust safeguards, oversight mechanisms, and accountability measures to address concerns related to the reliability, accuracy, and ethical use of AI-powered healthcare agents in clinical settings.

There is no doubt that this AI program will cause issues with the current contracts that are in place with nurse’s unions across the country. Still reeling Covid19 strikes, many nurse unions will need to rethink their strategies once again.

Regulatory Compliance and Liability Concerns

One of the primary legal considerations surrounding the deployment of AI-powered healthcare agents revolves around regulatory compliance and liability. Healthcare providers must ensure that these AI systems comply with existing regulations, such as those governing patient privacy like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) [4]. Additionally, questions may arise regarding liability in the event of errors or adverse outcomes caused by AIdriven decisions or recommendations.

Future Challenges

As AI continues to advance in healthcare, legal frameworks will need to adapt to address emerging challenges and opportunities. This may involve updating existing regulations, establishing guidelines for AI development and deployment, and addressing concerns related to data privacy, security, and informed consent. Proactive measures should be taken to help mitigate risks and ensure responsible innovation.


In conclusion, Nvidia and Hippocratic AI's collaboration represents a significant advancement in healthcare technology, but it also raises important legal considerations related to regulation, liability, professional responsibility, ethics, and equity. By addressing these challenges proactively and collaboratively, the medical community can harness the potential of AI to improve patient care while upholding legal and ethical standards in healthcare delivery.


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