Volume 4 - Issue 4

Opinion Biomedical Science and Research Biomedical Science and Research CC by Creative Commons, CC-BY

Rosacea: Not Curse of the Celts, But of Many More

*Corresponding author: Christian Diehl, Professor of Dermatology, University Marconi, Via Vittoria Colonna 11, Rome, Italy.

Received: August 02, 2019 Published: August 12, 2019

DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2019.04.000817


From what I can remember from my medical studies, a long time ago, when our Professors were naming rosacea as “acne-rosacea”, there was always a mention to its nickname: the “Curse of the Celts”. Hence our formation was including the notion that rosacea was more common among the fair-haired, blue-eyed “Nordic type” [1]. Meanwhile, over the years and with more experience and a deeper knowledge of other continents and populations, I was able to observe that this notion was not exactly and even far from being correct.

About the epidemiology of rosacea, during a long time there was no reliable data, and when a paper was mentioning it, it was most often with sporadic and hazardous numbers. To date, this situation improved, and various general population surveys bring more precise numbers, ranging between less than 1% to more than 20%, but direct comparison between studies can be biased by differences in methodology, populations, and cultural and social perceptions of disease [2]. For sure, general population prevalence is optimally determined by surveying the entire population using specific case finding criteria with evaluations performed by trained observers [3]. Among such surveys, the earliest one was performed in 1948 and involved almost 11,000 residents of the Faroe Islands (almost one third of the total population at that time) and the prevalence of rosacea was 0.09% [4]. Further, in 1989 in Sweden, in a non-selected population of more than 800 office employees, the prevalence was 10% [5]. Large retrospective US database have compiled prevalence rates of 1,3% to 2,1% [6,7]. In Germany, surveys on 49,000 and 90,800 workers gave prevalence rates of 2.2% and 2.3% [8,9]. In Estonia, the rate found in a cohort of 348 was surprisingly high at 22% [10] whilst in Ireland, in a mix of 1,000 office and outdoor workers it was 2.7% [11]. In an observational study on more than 120,000 subjects conducted in UK, the overall incidence rate for diagnosed rosacea was established at 1.65 per 1000 person-years [12].


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