Volume 7 - Issue 6

Opinion Biomedical Science and Research Biomedical Science and Research CC by Creative Commons, CC-BY

Disrupting Medical Education

*Corresponding author: Fauzia Nausheen, Department of Medical Education, California University of Science and Medicine, 217 E, Club Center Drive, Suite A, San Bernardino, CA 92408, USA.

Received: February 29, 2020; Published: March 06, 2020

DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2020.07.001216


In order to develop interest of medical students of new age in medical education, the institutions incorporate recent advanced technology by creating innovative curriculum. These institutions strive to develop in class teaching methodologies for student’s attendance and engagement in spite of the media availability of connective knowledge through Massive Online Courses (MOOCs) [1, 2]. The teaching is trending towards non-traditional, mobilebased, social media influenced curricula and schools are trying their best to get effective outcomes out of these non-traditional curricula. Also, there is an effort put in by the medical education to develop an empathy in future doctors trained by simulations, robots and augmented reality.

Some of the examples of medical disruption are use technology for student engagement, adaptive quizzing, collaborative learning and better training. For instance, we implemented view board display content sharing and interactive touch to boost virtual histology learning. Use of augmented reality, virtual anatomy and ultrasonographic living anatomy to learn the 3D concepts. Use of robotic and artificial intelligence to augment the diagnostic ability of physicians. Teach the ethics, values and community centered services by opportunity of direct contact with underserved community by innovative programs like neighborhood care , home care , health screening and preventive care education of patient by skype calling, videos recordings, and use of telehealth to stay in contact with communities. Create responsibility, ownership of choices and decision, value consciousness by creating simulated sessions, high tech workshops and role playing. Create the skills of lifelong learning, vison to recognize the current and future challenges of health care and find innovative solutions in similar simulated environment and role playing.

Intended Outcome

The screening method for admission can use the NEO personality scale [3] for selecting medical students who should be able to cope with stress of medical schools, able to enjoy innovative trends in medical education but keeping the values and mindset of an empathetic physician. The emphasis should be on communication and hands-on skills than knowledge only. Medical school and health care institutions should create among their future physicians: a team spirit, adaptability and a patience to accept people with their shortcomings. The emphasis should also be on developing the skills to serve as leaders that can take the responsibility and make conscientious decisions. An understating of the challenges in provision of health care to undeserved communities by implementing the high-tech digital medicine. the future doctors and other health care professional of new age should develop the mindset of learning as part of life- long process and always remembering the goal of serving the patients [4].


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