Volume 20 - Issue 2

Research Article Biomedical Science and Research Biomedical Science and Research CC by Creative Commons, CC-BY

Classification of Brain Tumor Using CoAtNet Model

*Corresponding author: Ebrahim A Mattar, College of Engineering, University of Bahrain, Bahrain.

Received: September 19, 2023; Published: October 02, 2023

DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2023.20.002687


Computer-aided classification can support medical practitioners in the diagnosis process of brain tumours, especially in case of a biopsy contraindication. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been long the model of choice for such imaging and computer vision tasks. However, due to their local inductive bias, they lack the ability to properly capture long range dependencies in the same way a Vision Transformer (ViT) does. Despite this, ViT suffers the drawback of requiring large training dataset which is considered a challenge in medical datasets. In this paper, we investigate the use of hybrid model CoAtNet which combines the advantages of both CNNs and ViTs for brain tumour classification. The dataset used for this study contains MRI images of three different classes of brain tumours, namely, Glioma, Meningioma, Pituitary, and a fourth class of no tumour. The model proved to be effective for this dataset if pre-trained on ImageNet and achieved an accuracy of 97%. We also demonstrate that with the addition of augmentations, batch size increase, and use of exponentially decaying learning rate, the performance of the model can be further enhanced to reach an accuracy of 99.16% which is higher than state-of-the-art. The results demonstrate the effectiveness and potential of CoAtNet for small data sizes and medical imaging.

Keywords: CoAtNet, Image classification, Convolutional neural networks, Vision transformers, Brain tumour classification, Brain tumor, Computer vision; Deep learning


A brain tumor represents a complex and intricate medical condition characterized by the formation of an aberrant mass of cells within the brain and its associated glial cells. These masses of cells can manifest in two primary forms: they may either exhibit a malignant disposition, indicating the presence of cancerous cells, or they may take on a benign nature, signifying non-cancerous growth.

Within the realm of malignant brain tumors, there exists a crucial subdivision into two distinct categories: primary and secondary [1]. Primary brain tumors originate within the brain itself, emerging from the neural tissue or other components of the central nervous system. Secondary brain tumors, on the other hand, result from the metastasis or spread of cancerous cells from other regions of the body, eventually infiltrating the brain tissue.

To establish the definitive presence of a brain tumor and ascertain its precise nature, the medical community commonly employs a dual-pronged diagnostic approach. This approach hinges on the utilization of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans, which harness the power of advanced technology to create detailed and cross-sectional images of the brain’s intricate structures. The MRI scan is complemented by the indispensable procedure of biopsy, which involves the extraction and examination of a tissue sample from the suspected tumor site. The analysis of this tissue under a microscope provides critical insights into the nature of the tumor, whether it is benign or malignant, and helps determine the most appropriate course of treatment.

The overarching objective and significance of automating the classification of brain tumor diagnoses cannot be overstated. This innovative approach seeks to leverage cutting-edge technology and machine learning algorithms to streamline and enhance the diagnostic process. By automating the classification of brain tumor diagnoses, healthcare practitioners can benefit from more accurate and rapid assessments, facilitating quicker decision-making and treatment planning. This becomes especially vital in cases where recommending a biopsy may not be advisable due to various contraindications, patient factors, or the need for urgent intervention.

Brain Tumor Imaging and Datasets

The dataset used for this study is a publicly available dataset created by Cheng, et al., [1] who obtained them from Nagfang hospital and General Hospital, Tianjing Medical University, China from 2005 to 2010. The dataset consists of T1-weighted MRO of three different tumor classifications Gliomas, meningiomas, and pituitary tumor which have 1426, 708, and 930 samples, respectively. In total, they are 3064. To increase performance and generalizability, an extended dataset was used, obtained from Kaggle website. The dataset extends the original by adding Br35H challenges dataset, and another Kaggle dataset. The extended dataset also consists of a no-tumor fourth classification. Table 1 shows the extended dataset samples and how it is divided into testing and training (Table 1). The numbering convention of the classification type is used later in the results figures.

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Table 1: Dataset used for the study.

Note*: The numbering convention of the classification type is used later in the results figures.


Convolutional Neural Networks and Vision Transformers both have their advantages and disadvantages. For example, CNNs they computationally efficient and tend to have a relatively small number of parameters. In addition, do not require a large dataset to achieve high results and are able to capture local features proficiently due to their inductive bias. However, inductive bias can if not tailored properly can lead to overfitting and be less generalizable to new data. Another disadvantage is that dataset needs to be as diverse as possible so that the inductive bias can generalize well. Transformers, on the other hand, do not have any inductivḺe bias. This is due to their adoption of the attention mechanism. Nevertheless, for a transformer to figure out data, it requires much larger datasets. Also, they tend to require heavier computational resources than CNNs. Zihang Dai, et al., [9] proposed CoAtNet which is a novel architecture, as shown in Figure 1, combining both the advantages of transformers and neural networks. Their model is a rather hybrid CNN and ViT model. They built their model based on two key insights. The first is that depth wise convolutions and self-attention can be naturally unified via simple relative attention; the second insight is that vertically stacking convolutions and attention layers is effective in improving performance. Their model has been shown to achieve 86% on ImageNet-21K top-1 accuracy without requiring any additional dataset (Figures 1,2).

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Figure 1: CoAtNet architecture [9].

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Figure 2: Comparison between two different types of residual blocks. (a) conventional Residual block, and (b) inverted blocks (used in CoAtNet model and MobileNet-V2) [13].

CoAtNet implements an inverted residual block called MBConv [10]. It is a type of block based on residual blocks [11] with an inverted structure for efficiency. It was primarily proposed in paper of MobileNetV2 [9] model. It has been since then reused for several optimized CNN models. A traditional residual block has a wide-narrow-wide structure, whereas an inverted residual block as a narrow-wide-narrow structure, as shown in Figure 2. This inversion has far-reaching implications for the network’s efficiency and capacity to capture complex features within data. The unique design of MBConv holds promise for enhancing the computational efficiency and overall performance of deep learning models. To gain a deeper understanding of the architectural differences between conventional and inverted residual blocks, it is crucial to examine the underlying convolutional operations. These convolutions, which are the fundamental building blocks of neural networks, play a pivotal role in shaping the network’s ability to extract and transform information from the input data. Convolutions are mathematically defined in the context of MBConv, showcasing the distinctive characteristics that set it apart from its traditional counterparts. This distinction underscores the significance of the inverted residual block in the CoAtNet architecture and its potential to contribute to more efficient and effective neural network designs. Convolutions are expressed as follows:

Where x_i,y_i∈R are the input and output at position i, respectively, and L(i) denotes a local neighborhood of i. On the other hand, self-attention allows the receptive field to be the entire spatial locations and computes the weights based on the re-normalized pairwise similarity as expressed below:

The two equations (1) and (2) are proposed in CoAtNet to be merged as follows:

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Table 3: Desirable Properties in convolutions and attention that CoAtNet model retains [12].

This configuration retains the property of translation equivariance in convolution, and it retains both the input-adaptive weighting and global receptive fields of self-attention mechanism. Table 3 summarizes the properties that CoAtNet retains from convolutions and attention mechanism (Table 3).

Experimental Setup

The selected CoAtNet variation for this study is CoAtNet-0. We used TensorFlow and Keras platforms to conduct this experiment. The only available pre-trained CoAtNet found in the used platform is CoAtNet-0 as such we adopted it for this experiment. Also, given the fact that it has the smallest number of parameters we anticipate that it would give optimal results given our small dataset. The experiments were conducted in Google Colab Pro+ using the standard GPU NIVIDIA V100. We experimented with a variety of scenarios and compared them. We used both the trained and pre-trained versions of CoAtNet in our experiments. We used cross entropy loss function:

Where P’(i) is ground truth probability and P(i) is predicted probability. The number of epochs is 50. The dataset was expanded and an additional fourth class added, as mentioned in the dataset section. The split of the data is kept as for training and testing where roughly training is 81% and testing is 19%. In addition, 10% of the training dataset was dedicated for validation. The model was trained end-to-end, meaning no layers were frozen during training, in case of fine tuning. The model was initially trained without any augmentations. As we attempt to improve performance, we gradually apply augmentation, and normalization. We also investigated the effect of increasing batch size and implementing a scheduled decaying learning rate.


To make convergence faster and training more stable, we utilize input normalization in which the inputs are made to have a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1.


Augmentation involves the expansion of a dataset by adding transformations or perturbations to a dataset. In our experiments, as mentioned, we began with plain training, that is without any augmentation. Then, we gradually added augmentations to test performance in the sequence mentioned below:

a. Flipping: random horizontal flipping of an image on axis x.

b. Rotation: random rotation with a factor of 0.2.

Increase of Batch Size

The batch size in our experiments was very large. We selected a batch size of 100. According to Samuel, et al., [12] increasing batch size to a large number of increases performance and has a similar effect learning rate decay.

Exponentially Decaying Learning Rate

The learning rate was made exponentially decreasing. The initial rate was set at 0.0001. In the final experiment it was further reduced to 0.000001.

The above techniques will be referred to in this convention: (N) for normalization, (AUG) for augmentation, (LB) for Large Batch Size, and (DLR) for decaying learning rate. The optimizer used throughout all experiments is ADAM optimizer [13].


In the beginning the model was run in plain training where no additional augmentations or learning rate decay were added. Plain training was applied to a pre-trained and a non-pretrained CoAt- Net-0 model. The results showed that pre-trained model outperforms the non-pretrained model, where the first achieved 97% and the latter 88%. Then, we increased the batch size from 1 to 100. The accuracy improved to 97.4%. We decided to add an augmentation (random flipping) to improve performance which resulted in 99.08%. Then, we also add exponential decaying leering rate along with normalization to increase performance. However, the performance dropped slightly, even though we were expecting better results. For this reason, we decreased the initial learning rate to 0.000001. We also made an important observation on the training accuracy. Before applying normalization, we noticed to have some perturbations in the training accuracy. For this reason, we add normalization to smooth out training. The comparison of those two trainings, the one before and the one after normalization is shown in Figure 3. Normalization improved the training profile (Figure 3).

In the last experiment, as mentioned earlier, we decreased the learning rate from 0.00001 to 0.000001. In addition, we added one more augmentation which is random rotation. In total, the augmentations became two. We achieved the higher accuracy in literature which is 99.16%. The table below summarizes our results. The confusion matrix of the best achieved accuracies is shown in Figure 4 in Table 4, we compare our results with previous literature. In Figure 5, we show some samples of output from the model with the highest accuracy (Table 4) (Figure 4).

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Figure 3: Comparison between two different types of residual blocks. (a) conventional Residual block, and (b) inverted blocks (used in CoAtNet model and MobileNet-V2).

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Figure 4: Confusion matrix for highest performing models. (a) pre-trained + LB + 2AUG + DRL, (b) pre-trained + LB + 1AUG + DLR, and (b) pretrained + LB + 3AUG + DRL.

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Figure 5: Samples of classified images. Green indicates correct classification. Red indicated wrong classification.

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Table 4: Results of CoaAtnet-0 model and enhancements. The fine-tuned models are pre-trained on Image Net.


The results have illustrated the transformative potential of the CoAtNet model in the field of brain tumor classification, charting a path towards a promising future in medical image analysis. The accuracy obtained was 99.16% which is the highest recorded in literature. Though, one may notice that when the model is not pretrained, it achieves quite a low accuracy which is around 88%. Nevertheless, for a big model like CoAtNet, this result is actually considered a breakthrough. As in our experiments, VGG, and Res- Net50 and ResNet101 failed to converge when not pre-trained. In Figure 6, we show a comparison between the trajectories training of a non-pretrained CoAtNet and a non-pretrained ResNet. This behavior proves that CoAtNet has high flexibility even with small datasets which is usually the case in medical imaging. Therefore, it can be a good potential for all future applications, beyond brain tumors, in medical imaging and should replace the choice of ResNet. (Figures 5,6) (Table 5).

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Table 5: Comparing results to related literature work.

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Figure 6: a comparison between a non-pretrained ResNet and a non-pretrained CoAtNet. (a) ResNet diverges and cannot handle small datasets without pre-training, (b) CoAtNet shows flexibility with small datasets without pre-training.


In In this study, we used the CoAtNet model to classify brain tumors. The model showed potential if pre-trained and certain adjustment such as the addition of augmentations, decaying learning rate, and use of large batch size techniques are implemented. We were able to achieve an accuracy of 99.16% which is higher than state-of-the-art.



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